Monthly Archives: July 2022

Visual Diary Tefrika 3- Turuncu

Visual Diary ilk iki tefrika “Yakınlık”, “Boşlukları Doldurma”ya “Turuncu” üçüncü olarak eklendi. Ayça’nın öne çıktığı bu bölüm Cin Ayşe’de.

“To feel anything deranges you. To be seen feeling anything strips you naked. In the grip of the pleasure or pain doesn’t matter. You think what will they do what new power they will acquire if they see me naked like this. If they see you feeling. You have no idea what. It’s not about them. To be seen is penalty.”Anne Carson, Red Doc>”


“Adjustment” – Visual Diary 39

Counter-clockwise from the bottom right
1-Kummakivi (Finland)
2-Andy Goldsworthy – Balance, 1977
3-Clarance John Laughlin, Birds in Hyperspace, 1935.

#visualdiary #39 #adjustment #kummakivi #andygoldsworthy #balance #clarancejohnlaughlin #birdsinhyperspace #trilogies